Friday, July 16, 2010


Most people don't want to hear this, but it's time the world faces facts- humiliating fat people is the last acceptable prejudice. I know for an absolute fact that most people could not be as strong as I am. I go out every day and ignore the negativity around me and I do not let it bring me down. It breaks my heart that good, interesting, amazing people never leave their homes because they can not handle the mocking, the pictures, comments, and the horrible things people will say to you. How can these people get better if they are too embarrassed to go for a walk? It's very hard to tune it out, to pretend it's not happening, or to smile and be nice to someone when they are obviously judging you, but I force myself every day to go on so I can have a good life for myself and my family.

Since I am not an angel, and I have judged others in the past, I realize that people just don't understand and their words truly mean nothing to me. I am just looking forward to earning the respect of people I meet. I want to walk on the treadmill without having people walk by and stare or mock me.  I just want to be a happy mom.


  1. You can't worry about what other people think, if they arent going to like you over something as silly as your size, then they are probably miserable and insecure. Think about it, you don't see truely happy people walking around mocking others.... do you?? Hold your head up high, get your work out in, & keep smiling!! (like you are in that pic with your kiddos!!)

  2. I just stopped caring what others thought.

  3. Thank you, when I wrote this post I mostly had others in mind. The heavy people that do care what others think and their lives are destroyed by the fear that they will be mocked. It just makes me sad for them and I needed to vent. =)Thanks again for your imput and for reading.
