Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Small Goals

Today I learned about small goals and I think that was really helpfull information for where I am at right now. I like that I can set a goal for myself as simple as "don't eat that funnel cake" and celebrate when I acheive it! It makes me happy to think about doing small things for myself as a reward for the daily sacrafices that come with losing weight. Most people can not relate to how hard it is not to eat a funnel cake. Last Friday, at the fair, I failed and ate that cake. It caused me to gain back two pounds. If I had just told myself something like, "instead of buying a funnel cake, I will go back to a craft booth and buy a bracelet." I would have been so much happier!

Today I have a few small goal. Right now I decided to make a goal of having lunch after one o'clock and using that time to do something productive. So I'm blogging! My next goal is to avoid any snacking after dinner. I will reward myself by taking a long bath and giving myself a facial.


  1. Hi Hope, Just wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving me a congratulatory message on reaching under 200 lbs. I have read all of your posts and can related in ALOT of ways. In my previous relationship I gained a ton of weight. I was always overweight to start with but had never gotten that fat until I got depressed after my first child and was in a disatrous relationship. I am so happy for you that you have such a strong marriage and I must say that you have two super cute kiddos. I have no doubt that you will lose the next 55 lbs that you need to in order to undergo the GB. I am glad to have found your blog and I look foward to reading about your continued success. You are a very strong woman and I wish you the best.

  2. Thank you so much, I really needed this comment right now because I am tired and feel like binging. Thanks for making me smile and giving me an extra push to keep going!
